Saving the White House - Arjun


Adam chuckled, as he held the square cut of parchment in his hand. He was thinking about his childhood. Not one of the most exciting ones, for sure, but still pleasured the occasion moments he thought back to it. He was thinking about Edgar. Edgar used to be a very peculiar child. He always wanted to be a leader, and he was definitely fit for it. He wasn’t the smartest kid in the school, he was average. He was very good at sports and physical activities too. One thing he lacked was the ability to make (and keep) friends. Unfortunately, Adam had the same issue. He had mild social anxiety, and he was a big introvert. He thought back to the day they met, the memories they shared, as he numbingly stared at the words:

Dear Adam. S,

I hope this letter finds you well. How are you, I take it that you are in good health. The topic of interest is the fact that we have not met in years. I thought it would be marvelous if we could meet at my dwelling, as a reunion. 

Warm Regards, your best, Edgar Green.

Adam fixed his tie, and pocketed his wallet, and pocketwatch, into his waistcoast’s pocket. He entered the automobile that had been arranged to transport him to Edgars house, in Aberdeen. The automobile was a fairly new invention, invented only 12 years ago, in 1769. It was as fast as a horse carriage, and a lot more expensive. However Adam believed in keeping up-to-date with technology, it was, after all, the Industrial Revolution.

A million thoughts rushed into Adam’s head. What would he look like? Will he be just as friendly? Has he changed? He knocked on the door, only to immediately be opened. “Hello Adam”. Edgar had light orange hair, and a brown moustache. He had a scar across his left eyebrow, and over his eye. He was tall, and looked strong. Adam didn’t know what to say. Instead, he just gave his old friend a hug. They engaged in casual conversation for the rest of the evening, discussing the current times, the weather, and their childhood. Edgar had changed. He was no longer anxious while talking, or unfriendly. He actually seemed very friendly. Adam enjoyed tonight. “Tonight was great. We should meet more regularly.” said Adam. “Indeed, we should. Unfortunately, I am caught up in work for the next week, so maybe after that.” “Noted”. 

Before leaving, Adam needed to use the bathroom. “Go forward, and take the room to the Left”. Adam regularly mixed up his left and right, and tonight, he did. He opened the door to the right, and immediately noticed hundreds of pictures and hand drawn diagrams…of the White house. Adam didn’t believe what he saw. He took a piece of paper off the wall. The diagram looked like the pipes underneath the White House. “The same old Adam, always mixing up his Left and Right”. Adam quickly spun around, only to see Edgar, holding a metal rod. “Maybe if you didn’t mix up your left and right tonight, you would have lived”. Before Adam had time to process anything, Edgar leapt forward, and swung the metal rod at Adam. Adam ducked right in time, but before he could admire his amazing reflexes, he was evading a metal rod. Adam survived, time for round three, he thought. The third time was not the charm. The metal rod hit Adam in the thigh. He couldn't feel the pain, until a few seconds later. His mouth tasted of blood, and his leg stung more than anything Adam had ever experienced. He saw Edgar tower over him. Adam was curled in a ball, on the floor, clutching his thigh. “It’s over Adam. I’m sorry, but you’ll ruin it all if I let you live. But since you are going to die, I’ll tell you what all of this is about. Capitalism, and Democracy, Adam, it's all about politics. I can make America the best it's ever been, or ever will be. Democracy doesn’t make sense. It’s basically just a big popularity vote. We chose some random buffoon to lead a thriving economy for 4 years. ANd this President, he could be anyone, with no experience, or skill to lead America. Wouldn't it be better to have someone… capable of running this country. It’s called Dictatorship, Adam, dictatorship, and can you guess who’ll be the new dictator, it’ll be me! Edgar the great, who made America the biggest economy in the world.”. “And you plan to become this dictator, by blowing the roof off of the White house? What will that do? Make you a petty vandalist?” Adam replied. “Adam, unlike you, I think ahead. I plan to do this in exactly a week, or on July the third. The president, all of his accomplices, and all political figures will be in that building, at 7:00pm, and I’m going to blow its roof off. Now, this has been lovely, dear Adam, but I am planning to do it. The big day is after all, only 7 days away.” Edgar swung the rod behind his back, about to strike. About to finish it off. Adam was weak, especially compared to Edgar. Painfully, he racked up all the remaining strength he had, ignoring the pain, as he quickly rolled over, and kicked Edgar on the foot. Edgar stumbled backwards, but as he was about to regain balance, Adam lashed his foot at Edgars leg. Edgar fell backwards, and hit his head against a table. Adam took one last look at Edgar, who was lying on the floor, unconscious. Before struggling to get up. It took him a few minutes, he was injured badly. He limped out of Edgar’s abode speedily. Edgar would wake soon, and would be in no mood to talk, especially to him.

Adam lay in bed, mind you, not his own bed, the hospital’s bed, as he studied the diagram he was able to steal from Edgar’s house. It was now crumpled, and had a few blood stains, but it was still readable. Adam tried to piece it together, he couldn't believe what was happening. He went over it again. Adam had plans to…blow up the — newly constructed, and operational— White House. The explosives were hidden in a sewage tunnel: 3A. It was directly underneath the White House, and it had no use, it was fully Empty. It was also easily accessible from the outside of the White House. Perfect for Edgar’s plan. He would blow the White house to pieces, with everyone inside — a cruel, and monstrous act — and with his amazing leadership skills, he would become the dictator of America. But what would happen if the people tried to retaliate? Nevermind Adam thought. Edgar had probably taken that into account. 

“Have you gone out of your mind?!”, ‘No but-”, “Get out!”. The Police were no use, this was all up to Adam. He had wasted 2 days in the hospital, now there were only 5 days left. This was all up to Adam now. He went over the plan once more, as he lay down in bed — this was his own bed —. He would get into the sewage pipe, by lifting the metal grate using a crowbar, and climb inside. He would then look for the explosives, and empty them into his own crates, and send them up, using a pulley system he made. In case he saw anyone, he would hide, and if they tried to attack him, he would use his crowbar. Everything seemed fine. There was a day left until the supposed end of democracy. Adam would leave in the evening.

Moving only in the shadows, dressed in black trousers, with a black jumper on, pulling a small cart, with 4 boxes, as a backup. Adam had done recon the day before. He knows how many boxes of gunpowder — a fairly new military invention at the time — were set in the sewage pipe, He lifted the crowbar from the cart, and used it to forcefully lift the grill from the entrance to the sewage. It was a wide entrance, which would make it easier to fit it in. He lit an oil lamp, and set up his pulley system, which consisted of 5 washers, a rope, and 2 wheels, and a few weights. He descended into the sewage, leaving the oil lamp behind — there was already one inside the sewage tunnel —, using the ladder. He saw the boxes of gunpowder, but he heard a sound. Quickly hiding behind a box of gunpowder. “Did you hear something'?”. “Nah, I didn’t”. There were 2 guards standing right in front of Adam. “Back to your post now”, and Adam heard receding footsteps. There was a guard standing right in front of him, guarding the heart to Edgar’s plan. Adam swung his crossbar, and knocked him out. Adam continued his work, but he accidentally dropped a box of gunpowder. The noise echoed through the tunnel, and Adam knew he had only seconds before he would be caught. Adam couldn't finish transporting the gunpowder. He felt a horrible pain on his back, and fell to the floor. 

He woke up, and was being pulled by the guards. The last few minutes were a blur. He remembered being caught by the guards. The pain came back, he was beaten. He couldn't feel his arms and back. He was lost, the pain numbing his brain. He reached for his pocket, and took out a pocket knife. He proceeded to lash it at the guards’ hands. They weren’t dead, just unconscious. He limped to the  nearest ladder, and made his way  out of the gutter, he had no idea where he was. HE collapsed onto the floor of the pavement he emerged from.

Adam looked around, and tried to process what just happened. He just woke up, and couldn't think straight. A nurse scurried over towards him. “Hello dear, how are you feeling?”. “Fine”. It took Adam a second to respond. “A passerby found you lying unconscious on the pavement”. “What’s the date?” Adam found the words to ask. “Oh, it's the 5th of July”. Adam was now fully awake. “It’s the 5th?!” asked Adam in utter dismay. He had a million questions. “What happened to the white house?!” Adam quickly asked. “What do you mean dear?” the nurse asked. It’s right there. She pointed out of the window, it stood fully intact. “There was news that on the third of July, some fellow… Edgar Green I think he was called, tried to blow it up. What a buffoon. He was arrested for attempted manslaughter too. He started attacking civilians.

Adam felt proud of himself, his plan had worked. He had created a scene. He had swapped out the boxes of gunpowder, for boxes of grain. He had dropped the box on purpose, so it would look like he had tried to steal it. He wasn’t the shy, socially anxious, weird man anymore, but for once, he was the hero. There was change hope for a better life-

Then he woke up, suddenly realizing it was all a dream. He was in absolute shock, and dismay, as he stared at the ceiling, trying to recollect what just happened, but at the end of the day, he was still the socially anxious, awkward guy that he always was.



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