Portal Adventure- Rehaan Doshi ( Term 1- Short Story)
Rehaan doshi - Pen Magic Club
My Name is Abby Gem, short for Abby Gem. I am about to retell the story where my life fell out of line. It started when we took a vacation to the U.S.A, San Francisco to be exact. my dad had taken me to McDonald’s. Though most people say that nothing cheers me up unless I wake up happy, my dad knows exactly what cheers me up. A Big Mac burger, with a side of French fries and extra coke could definitely cheer me up. Once we finished the food, my dad, who’s name is Frederick Gem, said ‘ it’s time to go home Abby’. I was Kind of sad and kind of happy because I Loved being at the mall because my mom loved it there too, almost as much as the beach. While I was walking to the car, I heard gunshots. My dad cursed under his breath, and said “Abby, we have to go right now”. Now, I’m not sure what he meant cause he was a police officer so it would be his duty to help get everyone to safety. I didn’t know what else to say but okay so we jogged to the Mercedes car which was close to the exit. Once we were seated, me in the back seat, my dad said ‘Abby, I need to talk to you about your - … - parentage’. My heart started beating faster like, DUNDUN, DUNDUN, DUNDUN. We hardly ever talk about our moms side of the family and when we did, my dad changed the subject as quickly as he could. I responded quickly, my voice a bit higher, “what about it ?” ‘Your mom, well she is a celestial, the celestial of teleporting’. A large BOOOOM shook our car and rattled our windows. A glowing vortex thing started to grow and grew more and more in one second that it was like that size forever. I only had time to yell WHAT TH- before I got sucked into the vortex. The last thing I saw was my father yelling a curse about celestials and a vortex appearing on the other side seat then a blinding light Covered me. After what felt like forever being covered in light, I felt awake, but when I opened my eyes, I saw an entire army of guns pointed at me which was manned by many U.S soldiers. I yelped and crawled back so fast it looked like I teleported backwards. When I could see properly, I looked around and saw a whole lot of white and for some reason, I felt really cold. When I looked up, some soldiers in front of me were shifting around and then cleared a path leading to a man with a buzz cut, big muscles and a soft face wearing military colours with a captain's badge. He started walking towards me and when he reached me he bent down and said, ‘you must be cold little girl, you could need some blankets. Then you could tell us how you appeared in the middle of our camp in Antarctica’. That was when I fainted out of shock and cold, but not before seeing his name on the badge, fai zhang. When I woke up, I was wearing a thick army jacket which was super big over my clothes which I wore yesterday. I saw a woman with a soft expression, dark skin and blue eyes. She said something I didn’t catch but understood that she said “She is awake” The captain came over to me. “Hey little one he said”. W-Who are y-you I asked confused. Where am I, I continued, not giving him a chance to speak. What is going on ? By this time I was whispering in fright. “Little one, you are in Antarctica right now”. Suddenly my memories all came rushing back to me of yesterday. I screamed and scrambled back only to fall off the bed, but I still kept crab-walking back until my back pushed against the wall. One of the soldiers started advancing towards me in a threatening way but then the captain said something in the soldier's ear and he stopped walking. While that was happening the woman who was taking care of me came slowly towards me and sat next to me. She said, ‘hey my name is hasel lavender. You're in a secret U.S military base. Can you tell how you found us, for we are confused. Our people only told us there was a bright vortex and you came out of it”. I-I’m not really s-sure. My dad was driving home from a mall in the U.S.A, and then, my dad was telling me about my mom being a- a celestial of ”teleporting”. After that there was a large noise and the car was shaking, and then, a vortex appeared and pulled me in as a bright light covered me completely, I ranted. Hasel looked at me weirdly and then said, “I believe you”. I breathed a sigh of relief. If she didn’t I would be out under interrogation and It would be confusing. The captain, Fai I think, came to me and said, “you can go out but be careful, there is a tent which you will stay in. You will know it’s yours when you find it, I will be surprised if you don’t”. I walked out of the tent and I caught my breath. The camp was like a mini town but with tents instead of houses, no shops and it was a white landscape with everyone wearing jackets because they are in Antarctica. When I came out of the tent, I started shivering, even though I am wearing a thick jacket which is half as big as me andehite as snow. When I left the tent, a hush fell upon the soldiers that Were near the entrance of the tent which I left, which I guessed was the medical tent because of the Red Cross symbol at the place you enter/exit. I quickly walked by them trying to ignore their stares but failing, until one soldier started talking to someone next to him. and the usual chatter that I heard before I came out of the tent broke out again. I continued walking until I found a smaller tent, with a sign in front of it saying for visitors. I guessed this was my tent and I walked in. Inside there was a sleeping mattress, a tiny cupboard for food and/or clothes and a 1 foot long fireplace but it is at the end of the tent and a 3 foot place for snow and twigs so you can start/end the fire. In the next few hours, I explored the camp which was set up somewhere in the North Pole and While I explored I saw many soldiers all around the camp who were wearing thin jackets because they must have been here for very long to get used to this temperature. As I continued walking around, I adjusted to the temperature a lot. I wasn’t very cold now, I was just cold from being in the middle of the North Pole, nothing much. When I heard a horn blow, I went to the front of the medical tent where a bunch of picnic tables were set up with a tarp on top of it so snow won’t come in the food. By the time I reached there soldiers were marching towards the dining table and sitting down next to their friends. There was warm domino's pizza for dinner, apparently they made it exactly the same as the original. A few soldiers got vegetable pizza while I asked for margherita pizza. A kid can have its privileges. In the middle of eating my second slice, which by the way tasted like heaven with the tomato gravy in my mouth, the sweet cheese , the horn was blown twice again. I had no idea what this meant but all the soldiers immediately stood up and ran to their tents or the armoury. I ran to the tents and I asked a random soldier who was running out of his tent ‘What on earth is going on?’. ‘We’re being attacked!’. I let him run off, shock coursing through my body. Attacked, oh no. It wasn’t safe. I decided to hide in my tent because I think it was safer there, but as I was running, I saw someone dressed in full black with a mask pointing a big gun at me. Right as he pulled the trigger, time slowed down for me. I was able to see the bullets ringing towards me with a bang being played in slow-mo. I saw a light starting to cover me but my scream was still coming out my throat when it covered me and I saw fai, hasel and the rest of the soldiers who saw me yelling at me falling through the light as I blacked out (whited out ?) for the second time that day. When I woke up I saw I was in a white room with a single door attached to the wall, no windows but artificial light at the high ceiling and an IV attached to my arm. I immediately remembered everything and couldn't breathe for a moment. But then I continued not being able to breathe and I started choking on nothing. Suddenly the door burst open and a woman came in and started muttering to herself as she checked on me worriedly to see what was causing the choking. I managed to squeeze out ‘Can't—breathe’ she looked at me strangely and tapped a button on an ipad- wait what, since when did she have an ipad ? Anyway, she pressed the button and then I was able to breathe but it looked like there was glass in front of me. As I raised my hand to wipe the sweat that gathered on my forehead my hand bumped into something smooth, glass. I gasped. There was only one option I thought, with glass surrounding my head. ‘Come, walk with me’ she said, and I obliged. ’A-am i-in space?!’ I squeaked out. Yes you are, the mysterious woman said. Oh and I can read minds, don’t call me a mysterious woman, call me Sally please she said, I looked at her in shock, sally ? It kind of was a fitting name with her dark hair, cream colour skin and a white lab coat. I’m Sally, the celestial of food and healing. I stared at her. A celestial. Um, what is a celestial exactly, I’m not really sure ? ‘ A celestial is a being that existed from the start of time of the element which created it like when food was created, I was created’. ‘Your mom is the queen of the gods, as she allows us to teleport in time, reality and just teleport, If we didn’t, your universe would have failed countless times already. By this time, I reached a humongous Throne room which was outlined in gold, diamond and platinum. In the middle of the throne room, there was a throne max of a silver material that kept on reaching out and in, a material that I thought I couldn’t touch but use. I knew what it was before I understood. Is that Teleporting? ‘Yes it is, it is the strongest material in the universe’. Suddenly, a bright vortex-like thing opened up and a woman appeared from it sitting on the throne. Sally bowed to her so I thought I should too if something from the start of time is bowing down to someone else, you should bow down to. Rise my daughter, she said. I waited for Sally to rise but when she didn’t I saw that she was looking at me. My breath caught in my throat. I rose unsteadily, looking at her, my MOM. As soon as she saw me rise, she said - ‘My daughter, you have surpassed my expectations, you have gained the ability to teleport which most of my children don’t have’. My mom raised her hand and a bright blue orb appeared over her hand. And now this will help you get control of it’. She threw the ball at me and when it hit me a great surge of pain made me scream but as fast as it came, it went. My mom snapped her fingers and I felt myself teleporting again as a bright light once again covered me. When I woke up, I was in my Mercedes Benz car again with my dad in the middle of yelling a curse at celestial and a bright vortex disappearing at the back. When my dad saw me, he literally almost jumped out of his skin. Wha-how-when-WHAT! I quickly gave him the rundown experience of what happened, the teleporting in Antarctica, space and then back here apparently in time. I felt a presence in my mind, a voice, saying, we’ll meet again daughter, just not exactly how you thought. My dad drove us home, trusting fate would bring us when it should. I honestly think that I should eat another Bigmac, cause when you travel through time and teleport across the world, you get hungry.
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