
Showing posts from March, 2022

Saving the White House - Arjun

  Adam chuckled, as he held the square cut of parchment in his hand. He was thinking about his childhood. Not one of the most exciting ones, for sure, but still pleasured the occasion moments he thought back to it. He was thinking about Edgar. Edgar used to be a very peculiar child. He always wanted to be a leader, and he was definitely fit for it. He wasn’t the smartest kid in the school, he was average. He was very good at sports and physical activities too. One thing he lacked was the ability to make (and keep) friends. Unfortunately, Adam had the same issue. He had mild social anxiety, and he was a big introvert. He thought back to the day they met, the memories they shared, as he numbingly stared at the words: Dear Adam. S, I hope this letter finds you well. How are you, I take it that you are in good health. The topic of interest is the fact that we have not met in years. I thought it would be marvelous if we could meet at my dwelling, as a reunion.  Warm Regards, your b...

Harry Potter and the Game - Limerick

Title: Harry Potter and the Game Poet: Rehaan (inspiration from Harry Potter) Hogwarts is a place for wizards and witches,  Hogwarts was never a place for snitches, But when Tom Riddle came, He brought us a game, And caused us to have more than stitches! (Image credits: )  Credits - inspiration taken from Harry Potter. 

Superhero to Supervillian
