
Showing posts from January, 2022

Procrastination 101

  Procrastination 101 The act of delaying or postponing a task or series of tasks is procrastination. So, whether you refer to it as procrastination or akrasia or anything like that, what you set out to do is the force that keeps you from following through. Fun fact: for decades, human beings have been procrastinating. In reality, the topic is so timeless that ancient Greek thinkers such as Socrates and Aristotle created a term to characterise this form of behaviour: Akrasia. In the olden times, akrasia was defined as acting against your own opinions and decisions. Akrasia is procrastination or an inadequacy of control over yourself. Here is the procrastination cycle -  Now, we all want to stop the habit of procrastinating things, don’t we? Well, here are some tips on how to stop delaying your deadlines! Turn off your phone and device, unless you need to work on it. Distractions do not help in trying to focus and finish your tasks. Devices are really entertaining for sure, and...

How to manage your screen time

  HOW TO MANAGE YOUR SCREEN TIME By: Prapti Doshi Hello readers, welcome back! Nowadays we all are glued onto the screen, aren’t we? Kids have to spend long hours studying on-screen, rather than with a nice book, and a blackboard our teacher calls us up to. Now we are saying, those were the days… Well, here is a little something that will help you manage your screen time! Create a technology-free zone Develop places in your home where any types of gadgets aren’t permitted, like your mobile phones, portable video games/consoles, computers and more. For example, your dining room or kitchen should only be for family discussions, i.e: your devices aren’t permitted! Encourage other activities Go have a walk outside or read a book, draw, doodle, do colouring, play sports, make things. may it be a bucket list that does not include any screen or gadgets or a simple birthday card for situations if you forget, you always forgot, how life if much bigger than outside the screen, another few th...

The Hunger Games

  The Hunger Games. Wait, ” Hunger Games!?” “Do they have an eating competition?” The ones who’ve not read Hunger Games, you really are missing out on some good stuff there.  This novel is a 2008 dystopian novel by the American author, Suzanne Collins. This book is written in the mind and voice of a 16 year old girl Katniss Everdeen who lives in the future, post-apocalyptic nation of Panem in North America. The Capitol, a highly advanced metropolis, controls over the whole political situation of the nation. Whew, never want to live there now! This book is amazing! Why may you ask? It’s because of the suspense and action which keeps the audience engaged in the book. Also because the book was written in the mind of Katniss Everdeen, a unique individual who had flaws that we could relate to, such as the compulsion to put others ahead of her.  How did Suzanne Collins come up with such an interesting idea? She actually went through this whole situation. No, I’m just kidding! S...

Michelle Harrison

We all love a good writer, and if you're on the hunt for one let me be the first to suggest Michelle Harrison. Michelle Harrison is an award winning children’s author. Her books are full of magic, suspense and mystery.  One of her finest creations is the 13 treasure sequel which consists of 3 books. The ‘ 13 treasures’ sequel is about a girl named Tanya who has a unique power of seeing supernatural creatures, but the world is a small place and as Tanya tries to find her place in the world,  she soon realises that someone just like her is not so far away. With the help of her friends and others she goes on a marvelous adventure,  and you can too, if you read the book that is.  Michelle Harrison has also published 2 other famous books called ‘ A pinch or magic’ and ‘ A sprinkle of sorcery.’ These are also two books which should definitely have a place in your collection.  ‘The Other Alice’  is also a book  Michelle Harrison wrote which gave me some sleep...

The Naughtiest Girl: The naughtiest girl in trouble!

The naughtiest girl is always in trouble! Either pulling off hilarious pranks, getting others or mainly herself in trouble! Do you think that you are similar? Many people read these books to cheer up, and uplift their moods. We can surely say Enid Blyton had a rather extended sense of humour! The naughtiest girl was rather spoiled, The naughtiest girl was sure and determined to spoil her school’s reputation for turning girls and boys into good people; but we all wonder why she wanted to be with her mommy and not go off to a new school! So many new adventures and things to learn! She always called other kids babies but she didn’t know that she was one herself being so selfish, arrogant and spoilt, yes, I dare to call The Naughtiest Girl a baby, The Elizabeth Allen spoiled and selfish. There are 10 of these wondrous books to read, all as good as the other. Here’s a small bit about the first book in case you want to read it, and trust us, from our opinion it would really crack you up when...

Runaways- Vania Madan ( Pen-Magic: Short Story- Sem 1)

  Runaways vania madan “Do you remember,” said Troy, “the day we first met?” Markus glanced at him from across the table, a cup of tea slowly growing cold between the cradle of his hands. “As if I could forget,” he replied, too exhausted to smile. He wanted to be able to give Troy that small comfort, that reassurance, even if things were… the way they were.  “Yeah.” Troy drummed restless fingers against the tabletop. “Pity we’re gonna kill each other at sunrise, then, huh?” Mark looked away, bitter taste filling his mouth. “Don’t… don’t say it like that.” “Don’t say it like what?” He couldn’t see Troy’s expression, but he could hear the irritation in his voice. Normally, it would take hell and heaven to make Troy snap at him. Normally, animosity wouldn’t fester between them like a dark secret, or an untreated wound beneath their gold-lined tunics. Normally, all it took would be a shared look and a soft, exasperated sigh for all to be forgiven. Normally, they were kinder to eac...